[section section_id=”” auto_generated=”” first_in_builder=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_2″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][media_video url=”https://youtu.be/E9ZphC_oeeM” width=”400″ height=”300″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/media_video][/column][column width=”1_2″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][divider style=”{"ruler_type":"space","space":{"height":"50"}}” _array_keys=”{"style":"style"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/divider][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][accordion tabs=”[{"tab_title":"What are digital menu & promotion boards?","tab_content":"Quite simply, digital menus and promotion boards are designed to replace traditional wooden, plastic or cardboard displays with electronic, high resolution LED displays. They can be used in restaurants, supermarkets, shopping malls, casinos, educational campuses, office buildings, theme parks, resorts, mass transit stations, theaters, gas stations, convenience stores and many other venues."},{"tab_title":"Is ElectroMenu\\u00ae easy for anyone to use?","tab_content":"The ElectroMenu\\u00ae system allows users to design and display rich, high resolution content with the click of a mouse. We have painstakingly developed our product so that even a novice user will have a stress free, fun and rewarding experience with the product right out of the box."},{"tab_title":"Do I have to install any software on my PC to operate my system?","tab_content":"The ElectroMenu\\u00ae system comes complete with everything you need to design beautiful, informative and exciting displays. There is no need to add any complicated and expensive software to your existing PC or MAC."},{"tab_title":"Can I load images or video I want to use in my designs into the system?","tab_content":"Images, animations and videos can be loaded over a network connection from your PC or MAC or via USB flash drive."},{"tab_title":"Do I need an Internet connection to run the ElectroMenu\\u00ae system?","tab_content":"The only time you need an internet connection is if you are managing your stores via a remote location. Naturally, if you are located in San Francisco and your digital menus are in Palm Beach, you are going to need an Internet connection or . . . a really long cable."},{"tab_title":"Is it hard learning to change my ElectroMenu system . . I am not very \\"computer savvy\\"?\\u200b","tab_content":"ElectroMenu doesn't require any \\"programming\\" We have developed a unique set of content design tools so that even the most \\u201cnovice\\u201d user doesn't need to know or understand how to program it, but rather simply how to create various objects by type, such as a menu group or picture box. Simply select the object you would like to create from a drop down menu, use the mouse to move it into position, resize it and adjust the settings to achieve the desired look. Best of all, ElectroMenu\\u00ae offers custom design, training and free lifetime phone support."},{"tab_title":"Okay, so what if I want to have more than one screen for my menus?","tab_content":"Having more than one display screen is very common. Each display requires an ElectroMenu Smart Controller. These controllers are connected via a network connection. The ElectroMenu system has been designed to be authored from a single controller, no matter how many displays you use in your system."},{"tab_title":"What if I want to run different menus on each of my screens?","tab_content":"Since each screen has its own controller, you may determine which menu or menus are shown on what display screens and when through the use of the scheduler function."},{"tab_title":"We own a food court where the display screens would be installed. I understand that different screens can play different content, but what if we don\\u2019t want to depend on one person to control it all; what if we want each of our restaurant managers to be able to control what is being shown and when within his\\/her area? Is that possible?\\u200b","tab_content":"Absolutely! Each location can change their menus and schedules individually."}]” _array_keys=”{"tabs":"tabs"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/accordion][/column][/row][/section]