[section section_id=”” auto_generated=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<p><a href="http://apollo1.nextmill.net/~justriteprod/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/webinarjam.png"><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-640" src="http://apollo1.nextmill.net/~justriteprod/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/webinarjam.png" alt="webinarjam" width="250" height="136" /></a>Webinars have evolved into a key marketing tool. Webinars are marketing events where you invite prospects and customers from outside your company to learn about a new product, share in your subject matter expertise on something important to them, or just find out what makes you a good fit to work with them.</p><p>What’s in it for you? If you effectively plan and execute a webinar you can:</p><p>• Generate new leads</p><p>• Improve your company’s brand awareness</p><p>• Help expand inside existing customers</p><p>• Qualify prospects and move the right customers to the next stage of the sales process</p>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”2_3″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][accordion tabs=”[{"tab_title":"Short Lead Times","tab_content":"A properly setup webinar can be up and running in 2-6 weeks. Logistics are not complicated and you don\\u2019t need to plan months in advance. they can also be archived so that they can be used again."},{"tab_title":"Unlimited Number of Attendees","tab_content":"You don\\u2019t need to worry about minimum number of attendees; meeting venues; catering; or parking. Our platform uses the sturdy backbone structure of Google Hangouts and YouTube to stream to 10 or 10 million … It does not matter."},{"tab_title":"Scaled To Any Device","tab_content":"With mobile devices growing more popular the need to broadcast to different mobile displays is even more important. Our platform can stream to any device and give excellent playback. (This will vary slightly depending on viewers network speeds). All functions of a full screen viewer are part of every display size experience. "},{"tab_title":"Build loyalty with existing clients\\/customers","tab_content":"Show existing customers a new product and\\/or train them how to use it. Add value to it by showing it in action. It\\u2019s an easy, low-cost leveraged way to add value and maintain your relationship."},{"tab_title":"Conduct Market Research","tab_content":"Prior to the webinar survey the participants to identify their concerns, issues and challenges about the topic. This information provides invaluable research for your business. Then conduct the survey again with the live audience and compare figures either live in the broadcast or later. Our platform allows for followup communications even if the registered viewer didn't make it to the broadcast. Ask questions and even give them the chance to view archived video."},{"tab_title":"Create Instant Products with Pay Per View","tab_content":"The broadcasts can be setup as a \\"Pay-Per-View\\" as well as the archives generating Our platform services have a recording function built in. Use the recording to turn it into a product such as a DVD, video podcast or on-line video with a payment option or not."},{"tab_title":"Invite Your Prospects","tab_content":"It\\u2019s a low-cost way to give them an experience of you, your services, or products before they actually \\"buy\\u201d. With our platform you can setup sales items that push when you want and redirect wherever you like. Want to sell that product but need to get them to the website store? No problem. Need them to register for your next conference or seminar? We can do that live or even in the archive recordings."},{"tab_title":"No Geographical Boundaries","tab_content":"For the first time you can promote, sell, teach, or just discuss live to the smallest or largest audience you can think of. You are not limited to your city, state or country. Because of the global possibilities you can reach people beyond anywhere with an internet connection."},{"tab_title":"Provide Product Support","tab_content":"Use webinars to answer customer questions, explain how they can use the product more effectively, and get feedback for future enhancements. Talk about your services and \\"Push\\" live video clips and presentations right inside your broadcast."},{"tab_title":"Bring in Expert Co Hosts","tab_content":"With the power that Google Hangouts and YouTube as the backbone of our platform we can add co hosts and you do not need to be the speaker of all your webinars. Invite a guest presenter to share the stage. Same market, but with a different area of expertise. This person can login to the platform from anywhere in the world and help promote or train for you."},{"tab_title":"Get More Access – To You!","tab_content":"A webinar is an inexpensive way to interact with many people at the same time, while still offering value. Allowing you to create relationships and become an expert in your field."}]” _array_keys=”{"tabs":"tabs"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/accordion][/column][column width=”1_3″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][contact_form width=”1_1″ id=”contact-form-55f07182ca006″ form=”{"json":"[{\\"type\\":\\"form-header-title\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"form_header_title\\",\\"width\\":\\"\\",\\"options\\":{\\"title\\":\\"Do You Need A Webinar Platform?\\",\\"subtitle\\":\\"Fill this form out and we can help you see how a webinar campaign can fit into your business marketing structure.\\"}},{\\"type\\":\\"text\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"text_1af45e2\\",\\"width\\":\\"1_1\\",\\"options\\":{\\"label\\":\\"First Name\\",\\"required\\":true,\\"placeholder\\":\\"First Name\\",\\"default_value\\":\\"First Name\\",\\"constraints\\":{\\"constraint\\":\\"characters\\",\\"characters\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":\\"\\"},\\"words\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":\\"\\"}},\\"info\\":\\"\\"}},{\\"type\\":\\"text\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"text_2c1b318\\",\\"width\\":\\"1_1\\",\\"options\\":{\\"label\\":\\"Last Name\\",\\"required\\":true,\\"placeholder\\":\\"Last Name\\",\\"default_value\\":\\"Last Name\\",\\"constraints\\":{\\"constraint\\":\\"characters\\",\\"characters\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":\\"\\"},\\"words\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":\\"\\"}},\\"info\\":\\"\\"}},{\\"type\\":\\"text\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"text_3385b23\\",\\"width\\":\\"1_2\\",\\"options\\":{\\"label\\":\\"Phone Number\\",\\"required\\":false,\\"placeholder\\":\\"Phone\\",\\"default_value\\":\\"111-222-1234\\",\\"constraints\\":{\\"constraint\\":\\"characters\\",\\"characters\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":12},\\"words\\":{\\"min\\":\\"0\\",\\"max\\":\\"\\"}},\\"info\\":\\"\\"}},{\\"type\\":\\"email\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"email_f4983c5\\",\\"width\\":\\"1_2\\",\\"options\\":{\\"label\\":\\"Email\\",\\"required\\":true,\\"placeholder\\":\\"\\",\\"info\\":\\"\\"}},{\\"type\\":\\"checkboxes\\",\\"shortcode\\":\\"checkboxes_f86fc20\\",\\"width\\":\\"1_1\\",\\"options\\":{\\"label\\":\\"Do You…\\",\\"required\\":true,\\"choices\\":[\\"Sell a product\\",\\"Sell a service\\",\\"Teach a skill\\",\\"Offer consultations\\",\\"Need to train employees\\\\\\\/customers\\",\\"Want to start an online class\\",\\"Need better customer relations\\",\\"Want instant sales and marketing revenue \\"],\\"randomize\\":true,\\"layout\\":\\"one-column\\",\\"info\\":\\"Check as many as apply to your situation\\"}}]"}” subject_message=”New message from Just Rite Productions” submit_button_text=”Send” success_message=”Your Message Was Sent!” failure_message=”Oops something went wrong. Please try again.” email_to=”mikemoyers@justritedesign.com” mailer=”{"method":"wpmail","smtp":{"host":"","username":"justrite","password":"amber1JRPRose!","secure":"no","port":""},"general":{"from_name":"Just Rite Productions","from_address":"NoReply@justriteproductions.com"}}” _array_keys=”{"form":"form","mailer":"mailer"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/contact_form][/column][/row][/section]